Course Calendar

Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday, March 26th

Assignments Due:
Role Preparation, Study of Perspective, & Discussion Questions.
Promises Reflection (30 Points).

In-Class Agenda:
ISRAEL-PALESTINE SIMULATION... Throughout the history of the conflict... What to do about the following issues?
-Land & Territory.

Enriched - Post a blog comment below:
What is your perspective today about the Israel-Palestine Conflict? What do you think should happen in regards to the six key topics listed above?
(Due Wednesday March 31st)


Sam Bredenbeck said...

Noted by Sam B.

Mostly from my persons perspective but also a bit from my own, I think that the checkpoints that go around Jerusalem should be controlled by the U.N. because then there is a non-bais veiw of letting people into the holy city. Land & Territory should be "international" so to say because most of the people now are disatisfied with the land they got, So then this way they live in the place they want but there have to be restrictions because otherwise the "conflict" is going to get much bigger. Military and protection should also be controlled by the U.N. because then that way there will again be no bias veiws on who they let in or out of locations. Government wise, both sides should get together and have the U.N. in that meeting also because they are going to have to find peace soon otherwise they are just going to end up in a big hole. I know it is hard but these two sides need to come up with something to make there country become "whole". Refugees should be the same as they are now but they should be able to move about without being harassed everywhere they go. (That goes for both sides.) Like I said, They need to come up with a plan for peace to come between them otherwise their children are going to take up those same ways and the country will never be able to survive because of all of the discrimination and fighting. I know it is easier said then done but, Get Along!

Sarah Gould said...

I think that there is too much fighting going on. Yes they have different religous views and both claim to own the land, but they should all just get along with one another! FIGHTING SOLVES NOTHING! Would you count it as an accomplishment to say, "I just shot five people. Now I own this small piece of land and have to keep fighing off others to keep it!" Would you call that success? Would you want to live the rest of your life knowing that you killed some one? I know I wouldn't.
For the land & territory issue, the whole country should be international because it's not right to separate people by their religion or their beliefs. The people who live there should have the right to go any where in the country without needing a passport or an ID. Jerusalem should also be international because it's a holy site to many religions and should be available to any one. The check-points should either disappear all together or have the UN control them. That way it is fair and they don't pick favorites. But instead of checking for religions, they should check for weapons and other illegal stuff. Government wise, I think that both sides should come together and come up with a solution that the people will like. The refugees (from both sides) should be able to move where ever they want, freely. The military should try to stop shooting as many innocent people, such as civilians. They should have no excuse for killing another person of the other side. Too many innocent civilians(women, children, etc...) have already been killed in mistle attacks and gun 'riots.' They just need to accept the differences in others and just share the land!! It doesn't have to be divided by religion! Kids who are growning up there are only experiencing the hate that others show towards the other side! They might never get to meet the people from the other side. They might never know that the other side is just like themselves! All they have to do, is learn how to share and get along with one another! It's like preschool all over again. You see somebody that you were "best friends" with the day before. You get in a little arguement about them taking something of yours and you don't talk to eachother for a few hours. Then you realize that you have no body else to run around with so you go back to your "enemy" and then become best friends in the next 2 minutes. All it should take the Palestinians and the Isrealis is for them to ask themselves, "Where would I be, or, what would this country be without the other side?" They need eachother for support more than they realize. All they have to do is open their eyes and look instead of just seeing.

Alyssa Taylor said...

My view on land and territory is that it should be a one state solution. I know it would be very hard for the Israelis and the Palestinians to cooperate to make this happen, but if they can't learn to overcome their differences and get along, they will both have a very difficult lifestyle and have to live with the fear of being attacked at almost any moment.
On the topic of Jerusalem, I think that as well as learing to share the land they are living on, the Israelis and Palestinians should also try to share Jerusalem as their capitol. If this can't be accomplished then i think that there should be two different capitols, one for the Israelis and one for the Palestinians.
For the check point situation, I think that they should either be gotten rid of all together, or that there should be a few of them around Jerusalem, and that they should be run by both Israelis and Palestinians so that there are no biases. I also think that if they do have checkpoints that both Israelis and Palestinians should be checked, but mostly for weapons so that there will be no destruction.
The Government is actually something that i am not very sure about. I initially thought that they should have two leaders. One from each side, but then i thought that this would just make things even more difficult because both of the leaders would have to agree upon different sorts of things, and it would take a lot longer for them to come to any sort of conclusion. So now I am not particularily sure about the Government situation. Maybe they could have a person come in from the U.N. and lead them, but that would be kind of a bad idea, to have a strange person that none of these people have heard of come in and just begin to lead their country.
For the refugees, i think that they should begin to build houses and living spaces on un-occupied land so that all of the refugees that come in have a place to stay. I also think that any and all living camps should be taken away because nobody deserves to be kicked off of their land and be forced into a camp.
For protection and military i think that since it would be a one state solution, that there would be people from both sides working and fighting to protect the country from outside people.
I know that as i have been typing this, the problem that the Israelis and Palestinians are having seems to have such an easy solution, but the truth is that making any changes to try and make peace between the two sides will take quite a bit of work and a ton of effort.

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History Quotes

We can learn from history how past generations thought and acted, how they responded to the demands of their time and how they solved their problems. We can learn by analogy, not by example, for our circumstances will always be different than theirs were. The main thing history can teach us is that human actions have consequences and that certain choices, once made, cannot be undone. They foreclose the possibility of making other choices and thus they determine future events.
-Gerda Lerner

History, we can confidently assert, is useful in the sense that art and music, poetry and flowers, religion and philosophy are useful. Without it -- as with these -- life would be poorer and meaner; without it we should be denied some of those intellectual and moral experiences which give meaning and richness to life. Surely it is no accident that the study of history has been the solace of many of the noblest minds of every generation.
-Henry Steele Commager

Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.
-Robert F. Kennedy